
Friday, September 25, 2009

on my way to Denver

well, here we are on our way to Denver, in michigan right now. we are drivin along listening to bbc news. the weather has been cooling at nights and it feels good pretty soon we will be freezing... and complaining but right now it feels nice. we have been gettin a few more miles still... we have been able to keep moving and that is great. monday we drop in denver and then hope to get towards home.

our son *my stepson* has moved in. im very glad. his mom is a psycho bitch and after years of her emotional and verbal abuse he left. she is still trying to reach him with her verbal attacks but we talk him through. i know it will take time but hope he stays strong. its hard helping him from cross the country... we do what we can. he deserves better than her and it gonna take time to convince him hes ok and unpry her damage that entwines him.

well that is all for now.. catch me on twitter and my endless babblings..lol @missa68

fatality.. over a year later

Last year july 5 2008 we were on this same route. I was driving and dave was sleepin. As I entered I70 eb from NB I15 i saw it. there was a pickup truck upside down and a few people stopped. I pulled over, being first responder trained to see if i could help. I walk up and realize its bad. The passenger was partially ejected and dead. The driver was trapped and unconsciuos. All you could see was his legs.. the rest of him was hidden in the smashed vehicle. He was coming to and beggin for help. I had already woke dave and he with others were trying to pry the door open. I climbed over the dead body and was trying to provide comfort care to who i now knew as Richard. He was panicky and in shock. people were everywhere trying to help... someone covered the poor lady to protect her from gawkers.. dave prayed over her.. i was myself asking God to welcome her. It was surreal.. after a bit the emergency help arrived. The poor older women who caused the accident was being comforted... Richard was still talkin.. was standing noticing that the scene... there was cherries.. clothing... a few toys.. a cooler and parts of the poor deceased lady.. I envisioned them driving... windows down.. eatin cherries from a roadside stand.. maybe been in vegas for the 4th heading back to Denver.. laughing and boom... its over.

As i pass over the sight right now I know they both died. I know Richard and Cindy were dating. I know he was loved by many friends and Cindy was a mother of grown children. I never knew them in life but they are forever in memory and i mourned their passing. I hope together in heaven they are happy and laughing as i picture them moments before that fatal accident.

RIP Richard and Cindy may we meet one day...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

another day

well we are out on the road. I have a new android phone and i can update my blog out here now. I love this phone i can do alot instead of waitin for a signal for my laptop wifi. we are in Utah on our way to Illinois.. we are still getting good miles for Swift. We got our fingerprints for our hazmats and when we get in we will get our endorsements, of course as long as we pass our tests. We passed them in school.

Yesterday we went out to Whisky Petes Casino in Primm NV. We had an ok time.. should of just went to vegas but never been there so tried, they have truck parking so that is why we picked it. We usually go to Jean NV to the golden nugget its fun there.

One day i hope to win more than i spend...lol.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Dave decided we get to keep driving, we are just going to change companys in the beginning of the year and look to lease a truck. Scary jump but better than making no money with our company. We are getting out hazmat license's soon, we got our prints done and when we get back we will probably go take the test and get our endorsements. We have been running alot more miles the last 2 months and are loving the paychecks. Hope this trend continues. Our dm is getting us on the coast to coast fleet when we get our hm.

Well other than that, everthing is the same as usual.