
Friday, July 20, 2007

I hate moving!

I hate moving!!! We are moving over the next 2 weekends and I absolutly hate it. So far I have a little packed. My grandma's china and stemware and some other kitchen stuff. I bought a large pot for my tomato plant that has tons of little tomatos. I save all my plastic pots so I can take some of the flowers I planted, of course I will leave some. And my stawberry plants I just put in are coming with. As well as my new four o'clocks, my favorite flower are all coming. I will take some of the bulb plants, but I am leaving my lavender and carnations. I want a different type of lavender and the carnations look nice with them. The new house has an established raised bed garden. I hope the prev. tenent used organic methods, I know I will be from here on out. Her plants looked very small and didn't seem that well, but I will amend the soil and hope for a small harvest. But next year look out! There are also some mature shrubs that I can't wait for next spring to see, a rhody, lilac and camella. Also a few azailas and some other alont the side where it is over grown, I will thin out the weeds and see what is there. Well, I have to go, trying to find some moving boxes on craigslist (my favorite recycling spot)

Friday, July 6, 2007

What I am reading!

I am reading probably one of the best books I have read in long time! I highly recommend it! It is called "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - by Barbara Kingsolver. I downloaded it off Audible last month for my Ipod and am just getting to listen to it. It is VERY good, she is an excellent writer and I love the basis for the story. I think everyone who cares about the planet we live in and making just a bit of difference should read this. It talks about sustainable farming and local buying. I know it is a hot topic here in Washington State as beautiful farmland in the shadow of Mt. Rainier (my beloved mountain) is being developed by land rapists (developers - ugh!). The entire east side of "the mountains" (Cascades) is an agriculture state, and the developements are starting to creep over the mountains (there goes the neighborhoods). But take time and read the book, if more people did, maybe the farms would have more of a chance to survive!