Three weeks later and still no meat. I have eaten eggs today, and of course still dairy but no meat at all. I don't miss it, I have never been one who "needs" meat, I of course have liked a good steak and usually just fix it because I grew up on meat and taters but don't miss it. I am finding I am substituting more beans than I need and less grains, fruit and vegis and need to work on that. I do think about what to eat more, it is hard on the road if you are not cooked ahead and that is my biggest challenge. Most of my cheese has came from burritos on the road, and they are so simple to make but this last week was our new run and it alone was a challenge. I made a roll up with spicy hummus, sprouts, brocco slaw, tomatos and cucumbers and it was delish! I just got to get used to preppin ahead of time or taking the time to cut vegis. Breakfast is the same, cereal with soy milk and some kind of fruit. I usually had yogurt but tried cutting that out this week. That went just fine. Dinner is a challenge always in the truck. If I am cooking for the both of us, I usually cooked some kinda meat with brown rice, so now I have to come up with something different. We did alot of eating out this week so not a problem, other than finding something good to eat, alot of boca burgers with salads. After we get in the mode of this new schedule, I will try and cook alot of dishes up and put in those little foil bread pans to heat in the oven on the truck. Or at least "assemble" for cooking on the truck. And precooking pasta and putting in a little baggie and adding to some heated sauce would be easy as well. I just have to plan better for a better outcome. As far as feeling better, I do.. I haven't taken my blood pressure or weighed myself to see if there has been any change in the last week, mostly because I don't want to focus on the scale and get discouraged at all. I am at the now a habit stage and that right there is awesome to me. Anyone who reads this have any suggestions for portable easy meal ideas? Let me know!