
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cleanliness in the truck...

Since I drive team, alot of our trips are expedited, meaning we have to run back to back with few stops. We can do this for 5-7 days without really stopping for necessities like showers. I have been experimenting with ways to keep clean without feeling nasty after a day or 2 without a shower. Washing up in the truck is easy, requires no more than some baby wipes, but washing my hair has been a challenge, until now.

I have done the jug of water over a bucket method and it is very messy. Then I tried "dry" shampoo, and all that does it powder your hair and feels worse than before. Then I found No Rinse Shampoo, and let me tell you, I love it. You basically pour it on your scalp and lather up. I then add a bit more for the lather and then towel dry.. when you are done, you are feeling like you just stepped out of the shower, you hair is damp and you can style as you like. I did use the shower cap, also on that site, but I find the bottle shampoo much better for me. But try both, you can microwave warm that cap and boy that feels nice!! Either way you feel like you just stepped out of the shower!!

The no rinse also has a body wash, you mix with water and sponge bath with it but you don't have to rinse, which, in a truck is hard. So the birdbaths in the sleeper are easier with this product as well.

Well, there is one of the main issues in our truck and it smells better in here already, lol.

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