Driving east on interstate 80 in Illinois today i saw black billowing smoke coming from in front of me. I turned on the CB and heard that there was a trailer on fire in front of me. As i approached I realized that it was a Swift trailer (my company). At first traffic was passing slowly by the fire and when I approached the officer on scene stopped me. So I had the opportunity to take a few pics.
One lady truck-driver's thoughts and views out here on the road thru a bug covered windshield.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Swift Trailer fire
Driving east on interstate 80 in Illinois today i saw black billowing smoke coming from in front of me. I turned on the CB and heard that there was a trailer on fire in front of me. As i approached I realized that it was a Swift trailer (my company). At first traffic was passing slowly by the fire and when I approached the officer on scene stopped me. So I had the opportunity to take a few pics.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Republicans are against americans!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My idea to help the Gulf

Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
water fun!
this was shootin up water to the music.. fun!
mt rushmore
closest I've been to mt rushmore..lol
wild bill hickock
wild bill poker wax display
wall drug
Wall Drug, Wall SD
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Truck shower

When you are in a truck, you have to wash at truck stops in their showers. You can a shower free with fuel or you pay about 10 dollars for one. If you want to wash up in the truck the usual is baby wipes. I have been looking for a way to clean between showers and keep fresh and hair clean. I have found a solution. No-Rinse Shampoo and No-Rinse Body Wash. You can use these in the truck with no water and no mess. The shampoo and wash are used by NASA on the shuttle missions. They are also used in home health care, camping and military. I was skeptical at first but the first time i used the shampoo I was hooked. I had used the shower cap shampoo but this is easier and more economical. You basically just squirt and lather and squirt and lather then towel your hair comb and go. Clean hair! The body wash is the same principal. You pour out a little wash, clean dirty area, and towel dry, until you are clean. It really doesn't get simpler than that. I have done the gallon water shampoo and it is messy. I have used a wash clothe with basin of water but you feel sticky from soap residue. These products leave no residue. I recommend them and used them regularly.
Pettit, Texas
PETTIT, TEXAS (Hockley County). Pettit is on Farm Road 303 twelve miles north of Levelland in northwestern Hockley County, on land that was once part of the Yellow House and Slaughter ranches. It was named for John Pettit, who established a ranch in the area in 1922. The community developed as other families settled in the vicinity. Joe Bryant started the town's first store in 1926, and Jim Mason built a gin in 1929. A Pettit post office was established in 1935 with Truett Mauldin as postmaster. Pettit had an independent school district from 1928 to 1964, when it was consolidated with that of Levelland. In 1946 the town's population was about eighty to ninety, and it had three businesses and twenty homes. The Pentecostal Church of God bought some school buildings in 1958 and established the Great Plains Boys Ranch. In 1976 there was still a gin and a post office at Pettit. In 1980 and 1990 the town reported a population of twenty-six and a post office.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Lillian Brasher, Hockley County (2 vols., Canyon, Texas: Staked Plains, 1976).

I found out recently that a friend of mine who has been battling cancer got bad news. Her cancer has moved to her bones. I don't know a lot about cancer, but to me that doesn't sound good. I have spent the last 2 days thinking about how this disease really doesn't play fair. My friend is a person who I met on Twitter. She is amazing. She is quite possibly the strongest women I know. Her battle has been a long one. I would think by now there isn't a cancer cell that could come within 50 feet of her without blowing up. But it is in her bones. That still doesn't sound good. I am afraid to even look up that on google. I spent all day yesterday with tears for her, her husband, her dog, her friends, and me. I am still tearing up right now. I can't imagine the day when she isn't out there. I know this is selfish, I know her battle is her choice but why can't we have cures for cancer. Cancer is not new, it has been taking lives as long as there have been lives to take. We cured polio, small pox, and other crazy diseases, why not cancer.
My husband lost both his parents to cancer. My great aunt died of cancer, when she was 16. My other great aunt has had a breast removed to cancer. My uncle is fighting prostate cancer right now. My friends daughter was fighting cancer as a little girl. My other friends granddaughter is fighting cancer now. I have known many in the battle when I was driving shuttle bus and taking people from treatment to treatment. I watched people be devastated by this and I have watched people win.
But it is in her bones.